Welcome to the blog, friend
Really glad to have you here. Right now, it really is under construction, there isn't much to see or read. Sure, you'll be able to grasp a glimpse of what the future might hold, but that's all there is to it.
There are two articles I'd like to focus on, three actually (four now!! the list is growing! Five, six!!):
This first article will describe the adventure I'm currently going through, trying to create my first website via the, truly, awesome Material for MkDocs.
Not my first website though, but first time with this framework, which should make this one the first "professional" looking one.Another article is on the way: The Metasite - First Steps. It's not finished however, so I'd advise patience.
Writing In Progress - 1 article done!
My NAS Migration
This has not been published yet!
Yep, that's the one that started all of this. This is the reason I'm starting this blog. It was too painful and not rewarding enough to write this on Reddit. At some point, I lost an evening trying to edit my post to add more to the article I was writing and researching, which ended up not working. I gave up, and here we are
Writing In Progress - Mostly Done.
This Home Page!
And finally, I'd like to revamp this home page to properly welcome you, give myself another huge list of tasks to make sure my night job will slow me down on my road to becoming a professional Rocket League player. I started writing the Support Me page, but it's far from over. I need to make the text more concise, and only two payment options are working right now (Paypal and Patreon).
What you're seeing here is purely temporary, this needs to be redone entirely.
Let's detail the TODOs and measure progress
- Write Metasite - Birth article
- Write Metasite - First Steps article
- Finish NAS Migration article
- Finish Support Me page
- Write About Me page
- Rework this Home page
- And then, there's a lot to do before I'll find this site satisfactory for publishing. Right now, in its current form. That's not it. But it's a nice start.